Enter your email address and we'll send you a password reset email.
In the email, please click the link to reset your password. Please note the link will expire in 10 minutes.
Please enter the correct email address or register for an account.
Existing password minimum age should be 24 hours. Please try again after 24 hours.
Captcha Not Available. Please try again later.
A One-Time Pin (OTP) has been sent to
Enter the OTP below to login. If you did not receive an email from agent_360@singaporeair.com.sg, please check your spam folder
There are new AGENT 360 terms and conditions pending your Master's review and acceptance before you can continue to use AGENT 360. Please click the following button to send an email reminder to your Master.
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Remember to clear your cache so your information won't be accessible to others.
Dear Trade Partners,
We are pleased to inform you that the planned maintenance has been successfully completed. AGENT 360 has been accessible since 7 Sep 12pm SGT. Travel agents can now enjoy a refreshed booking portal with enhanced features. For further details, please contact your local SQ Sales Office.